
June 7, 2018

Justify likes carrots

On Saturday, we’ll find out if Justify becomes the next Triple Crown winner. Look at him above stretching out his neck to get the carrots in […]
June 5, 2018

WOW, what a trip!

We visited Justify, American Pharoah and 7 of our mares and their foals, plus much more! It was a whirlwind trip… but you’ve heard that before. […]
May 4, 2018

KY Derby & Oaks Selections

My Picks and some others It’s the best betting weekend of the year, but what do I know. Nonetheless, I get asked, so here we go! […]
April 27, 2018

Painful Whirlwind Trip

Virginia, Boca, Ocala, Saratoga The original motivation was a late April calendar entry for my mom’s first cousin’s 90th birthday party. When that party was canceled, […]