Brother Bob was operated on for his breathing problem and was gelded (a kinder way of saying “castrated”). Believe it or not, he’ll probably go back to light training next week.
It’s Truly Ahvee will be treated with Interferon for his bleeding and may pay some visits to a hyperbaric chamber which some say may help the bleeding situation. Of course, noone’s told me about cost yet.
Cameron Lucky will run in the 10th race at Saratoga Harness on Sunday against lesser competition. She’ll probably be the favorite. Haven’t seen the competition list yet but we’re looking for a victory!
Arch Traveler is pointing to a $35K claimer at Aqueduct on April 11th. Since we paid $60 for him, I’m not sanguine about him running and possibly being claimed for so much less. The jury’s still out on this entry.
Inchcape will run in a Maiden Special Weight on Saturday, April 13th at the Big A. More information as it becomes available.
Wheat Belly update: You may remember that I’ve eliminated wheat and many carbs from my diet. The initial blood work numbers showed significant reduction in cholesterol but not much difference elsewhere… and an increase in triglycerides. New numbers show triglycerides down from 212 to 188, sugar down from 107 to 99, cholesterol 170 and weight loss of about 12 LBS. All this with lots of cheese, meat, eggs and nuts. It’s really surprised me… happily!
Avram Freedberg
Everything’s Cricket Racing
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