Do you remember how you felt when you went somewhere you loved for the summer and had to return to reality? I remember returning from a summer camp experience and crying. I feel the same way getting ready to leave Saratoga.
Yes, I was in the hospital and had a large 10MM kidney stone broken up, then had a stent through my urethra to my kidney for a week. Yes, many friends suffered with serious health problems. Yes, there were business matters that threw a pall on the horizon. Yes, none of the horses got to race in the last ten days. Nonetheless, the peacefulness of each morning, hosting friends and family, two winning thoroughbred races by Jess Not Jesse, one trotting victory by Numismatic and two third place finishes for Hear the Footsteps, along with the various entertainments we attended at Saratoga Performing Arts Center were certainly helpful in dealing with the negatives.
Now, it’s packing up time and returning to the various issues we each have to face daily… except in Saratoga.
There will still be racing and, hopefully, lots of wonderful happenings, especially if our friends’ health issues get better. Since the Jewish New Year is around the corner, we wish all our friends and family only the best for the upcoming year.
We enjoyed those who made it up here and look forward to welcoming those who have yet to enjoy the spirit of Saratoga Springs.