Executive Office
March 12, 2014
Loose Horse!
March 28, 2014
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Mating tomorrow!


Will there be a teaser?

Ahvee’s Destiny will “meet up” with Lonhro tomorrow in Kentucky. I assume they will use a teaser to get Lonhro ready but I don’t know if they need to do that to Ahvee’s Destiny. I don’t know if they get a slutty looking filly to arouse Lonhro. I’m sure they don’t use photos! Anyway, this is one of the ways to try and assure a successful mating.

Tomorrow, we’ll go see Executive Office race at Aqueduct and visit Hear the Footsteps at Belmont. I guess seeing your horses is better than the Groundhog seeing his shadow. Spring is almost here!

Do you know what “Crowd Funding” is? It’s a way for money to be raised to support everything from charitable endeavors to business ideas or new creations of various forms of entertainment. Here’s one for scholarships for sending kids to camp… Just click on the link or copy and paste the url to get to the website or call 646.833.0406. You can help kids go to camp next summer. I think all the camps are Jewish ones but no matter… all the kids need support to get to camp. Take a look and be generous.

Maybe I should crowd fund acquisition of new horses? Don’t worry, I’m not providing a link for that. You might never forgive me!

Have a lovely weekend and wish for Spring to arrive soon!

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